Mission and Identity 

  • Edmund Rice NSW School Communities Student Leadership Symposium
  • Youth Mass
  • Project Compassion Lenten Appeal - Assistance Needed

Edmund Rice NSW School Communities Student Leadership Symposium

The College was delighted to host the inaugural Student Leadership Symposium at our Oxford Falls campus on Monday, with delegates arriving from our brother schools stretching from Gosford to Penrith to Wollongong. Ms Maura Manning, CEO of EREA NSW Colleges generously took the time to accompany the students leaders for the duration of the symposium.

Session One was an opportunity to nourish the mind and heart through a gathering liturgy that unpacked the Gospel call to ‘Seek to Serve’. Fr David Ranson shared his wisdom on servant leadership which hinges on one dying to oneself so that others may thrive and flourish. Students ritualized their commitment to such a self-emptying with anointing their peers with oil to the words ‘be proof of God’s love’.  Our worship was lifted with the beautiful music of Mr Balboa and Mr Almendras and we are most grateful to the volunteers from each of our brother schools for contributing to the liturgy:


St Edward’s College Gosford

Waverley College

St Patrick’s College Strathfield

Christian Brothers High School Lewisham

St Dominic’s College Penrith

Edmund Rice College Wollongong

St Edmund's College Wahroonga


The symposium was blessed to have Mr Alopi Latukefu, Director of the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education as the keynote speaker. Mr Latukefu provided a snapshot of the work of the Edmund Rice Centre, and explored the ‘why’ behind the work of the Edmund Rice Centre. His presentation discussed how the Edmund Rice Centre is placed within the overarching narrative of Edmund’s vision, and what he views as the keys to being an effective student leader within a Catholic school in the tradition of Edmund Rice.

Session Two provided students the opportunity for the College Captains to report back on their National Gathering Day in Ballarat, and for each school to showcase a leader-led initiative from their community. Students then broke into portfolio groups to discuss their common ground and how each portfolio team navigates the demands of their portfolio. 

Session Three was an opportunity for each school to regroup and to discern their learnings from the liturgy, the keynote presentation and Session 2, and to discern what was affirming about what they are presently doing, and where can they grow moving forward given the cross pollination of ideas. 

The Junior Leaders from Year 6 from both Christian Brothers Lewisham and St Pius X College also had the opportunity to collaborate and explore the beginning of their leadership journey. 

 The College is most grateful to the Maintenance Team, Music/Audio Team and Mission Team for their contributions to the day.


St Pius X College and Mercy College Youth Mass

Sunday evening was filled with energy and excitement as the first Youth Mass was held for 2024. Students and staff from both colleges contributed to the leading of the Mass with much joy. Year 7 students joined the senior leaders from both schools in the celebration, which culminated in a pasta meal after Mass in the forecourt.

We extend our gratitude to Fr Joey who celebrated the Mass and who continues to be shepherd to the youth of our schools through Tuesday Chapel Masses.

Project Compassion Lenten Appeal - Assistance Needed

Project Compassion fundraising efforts continue across the College, and all funds raised go to support the work of Caritas. 

Parents and families are invited to donate via the link below. These donations enable critical relief projects to go ahead that are operated by Caritas that provide education, water and emergency healthcare to the most vulnerable people globally, and here in Australia.


‘Tap and Go’ facilities are available on the verandah on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cash donations are collected Monday through to Friday. Please assist the College to meet a significant target as we seek to remain true to the vision of Edmund Rice and reach those who are most vulnerable on the margins of society. 

Students are also welcome to donate or purchase through the Compassion Cake Stall on Tuesday mornings. The committed team from the Edmund Rice Society continue to cook up a storm.


May God continue to bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand during our Lenten journey.

Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity