Religious Education

Hands up if you had a great time at the Parish welcome Mass for 2024 Prep families.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation

Dear Parents and Carers,


This year, Baptised Catholic students from Year 3 will be making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. 

This mass will be celebrated on Thursday 14th March at 6pm in the Church. We ask that the children arrive at 5:45pm, so that we are ready to start promptly.


All students preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will need to bring and wear a stole that the school will provide- this will be given to your child to bring home. Alternatively, you may still have a stole from your child’s baptism, if you do, please use this again! You can add a symbol for Reconciliation to the stole. 

Please decorate the stole with your child's name. You may also choose to add a religious symbol to represent Reconciliation. 

The children will re-use the same stole for the Sacrament of Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation. So, please store it somewhere safe after the Sacramental Celebration.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 


Kind regards, 

Nicole Black, 

Deputy Principal, Education in Faith Leader


Sacramental Timetable for 2024

Please note- there has been a change to the date of First Eucharist- it will now be celebrated on Saturday the 1st June and Sunday the 2nd of June, in line with Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Contact Nicole Black, with any concerns or questions. 

SacramentParent Information EveningCommitment MassDate of Celebration
Reconciliation  Thursday 14th March Reconciliation Reflection day and Reconciliation Celebration (6:00pm)


16th May 

Eucharist Information night (6:00pm)

Sat 18th May Commitment Mass (6:00pm)

and Sun 19th May Commitment Masses (8:00am, 9;30am and 11;00pm)

Sat 1st June – Eucharist Celebration (6:00pm)

and Sun 2nd June Eucharist Celebration (11:00am)




4th Sept Confirmation Parent information  night 


Saturday 7th Sept  Confirmation Commitment Mass (6:00pm)                    Sunday 8th Sept    Confirmation Commitment Mass (9:30 and 11:00)


Friday 18th October Confirmation Mass at 5:00pm



For All Future Generations

What is Project Compassion?

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s main annual fundraising campaign. It asks us to raise much-needed funds to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world.

Held during Lent, the six-week period before Easter, Catholic schools, Parishes, and the wider Australian public participate in a diverse range of fundraising activities and events to support Caritas Australia’s programs both overseas and here with our First Australian partners.

Project Compassion is an extraordinary demonstration of the faith, empathy and generosity of our supporters. It is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia; without it, we could not do the vital work that we do.

Students will have a Project Compassion box available in their classroom. We ask that families donate, if they can, to this wonderful cause. You can also donate online.