Icarus Community Report

Hi Families, 


We have had a fantastic start to the year in Grade 3 and it has been so exciting meeting our new students. All of the Grade 3’s have settled into our class routines very well and we are proud of the effort they have all put in. We are looking forward to a fun year where we all try our best and learn lots! Welcome! 




In February, students have been working towards building a Community of Readers through our 20 Days of Reading Start-Up program. Throughout these 20 days, students have focused on selecting texts that are 'Just Right', practising independent reading skills, and setting the expectations for independent reading and reading conferences.


Our Home Reading program will commence shortly. Students will be required to borrow texts that are 'Just Right' each day (books that they can read independently and comfortably) and then read them at home for 15 to 20 minutes, log their texts in the diaries and have a parent/guardian sign them. Parents are also encouraged to engage in reading with their children and have discussions about the text with them, as this can assist in students developing a better understanding of the text.













In writing we have been building on our understanding of writing narratives. We have been learning how to write using different sentence structures, with descriptive language to engage the reader and revising and editing our work. We have been learning to write simple, compound and complex sentences and sharing these for feedback. These skills will be helpful for us as we prepare for our Naplan assessment in March.











In Term 1 we have been learning how to solve worded problems using the Polya Four Step Method as seen below. We have also been learning about place value and the students have really enjoyed using MAB as a Maths tool to explain their responses. When learning about 2D shapes we even designed a robot!




This term, our Year 3 students are learning about how colonisation affected Australia's First Nations people. They will be looking at the history, culture, and social aspects of this important time in our country's past. In their research, students will be studying where and how information about Australia's history comes from. This helps them understand the importance of people, places, and events during this significant period. Through this learning, our students are not just becoming better at history, but also getting better at thinking about and understanding different viewpoints from the past. This interesting inquiry will help them think critically, show empathy, and gain a deep appreciation for Australia's diverse history.











Social Emotional Learning (SEL)


The Grade 3 community has started off the term by learning about our emotions using the Zones of Regulation. We have also been practicing emotional literacy by learning how to be a ‘bucket filler’ and practicing mindfulness such as meditation, breathing techniques which  help us calm down and get prepared for learning. 











Friendly Reminders: 

  • Please can you make sure your child’s uniform and Hat are named.
  • Please bring a water bottle everyday so your child can stay hydrated. 
  • Naplan information and dates will be released soon
  • If your child is feeling unwell please keep them at home to prevent the spread of illness.




Christina, Ben, Michelle & Kartia