Prep and Grade 1
Our Prep and Grade 1 students have been introduced to the big idea of STEM and what it is. They have explored the Engineering Design Process and begun expanding their prototyping skills. To do this they have focused on building tools and skills for construction such as use of scissors, folding tools and ways to connect different materials.
Grade 2
Our Grade 2 students have explored the different tools that we can find in the STEM room and created posters to help other students know what they are for and how to use them safely. They have also begun their first project to create a toy that utilizes specific materials to match a need. They are currently at the design and 'generate' stage of the design process and will be beginning their constructions in the coming weeks.
Grade 3 & 4
Grade 3 & 4 began the year by looking at online safety and school expectations around responsible use of technology. They then learnt about the Design Process and how they will use that to help them solve a problem with a science focus.
The problem this term is to utilise the rotation of the earth to help tell the time. Students have explored the science of how our planet revolves around the sun and rotates on it's axis. They have begun designing their solutions to the problem by investigating sundials to create their own.
Grade 5 & 6
Grade 5 & 6 began the year by looking at online safety and school expectations around responsible use of technology. They then learnt about the Design Process and how they will use that to help them solve a problem with a science focus.
The problem that students are attempting to solve this term is to create an accurate representation of just how big the different solar bodies really are. To do this students explored the data of the diameters of different planets and utilised online calculator tools to scale down these dimensions. They then began designing their solutions to use either physical materials or in the digital space.