My Learning Growth

Year 11: Reflection & goal setting using My Learning Growth
In Week 5 as part of their Study Success Day program, our Year 11 students once again used the My Learning Growth tool, this time to reflect on their progress in 2023, and set some initial goals for Term 1 2024. My Learning Growth was first introduced at AHS in 2022, and aims to support students to understand their holistic learning progress, and set targeted, specific goals for improvement.
Each student has their own personal My Learning Growth template (accessible via their school email). During the sessions students first worked to identify trends in their 2023 data, and any initial 2024 results they have already received. As part of this process and to promote celebration of success, they were prompted to select and reflect on a specific result they are proud of. Following the Success Integrated Seminar, students then worked to develop three goals for Term 1 based on employing both the approaches they had learned about in the seminar, and suggested goals and strategies built into the My Learning Growth tool.
Year 11 students were supported to develop:
● An Engagement Goal based on their engagement and participation in classes, focused on developing positive learning habits.
● An Academic Goal based on improving their results in a particular subject or type of assessment, focused on improving their academic achievement.
● A Wellbeing Goal based on ensuring their body is getting everything it needs to be healthy outside of school, so they can perform (and feel) at their best in school.
Students have been encouraged to discuss their reflections and goals with both their teachers and their family, so that they can be supported to achieve these crucial next steps. We encourage parents/caregivers to speak with their Year 11 student about the goals they have set, and how you may be able to support them as they work towards achieving them. For additional information, see the presentation delivered to students in the session at the link.
Samantha Francis
Leading Teacher: Assessment, Feedback & Data-Driven Practice