
Halfway through first term, we always begin to see some signs of separation anxiety in some students. This is normal.
What can you do to help?
See great resource: https://www.psych4schools.com.au/separation-anxiety-revised/
Some practical tips:
- Preload on the way to school – what is it going to look like when you walk into the classroom?
- Agree in part then focus on the positives – “I’m sorry you feel that way, I wonder what is going to be the best thing about your day”; “What are you looking forward to?”
- Pair up with a friend (or older buddy) to walk in together
- Don’t hang around – hand over to the class teacher in the morning and walk away, don’t worry – they’ve got this!
- Don’t tell them you’ll miss them (even if you will) – instead of goodbye, its “See you soon!”
Social challenges are a normal part of growing up – it is how children make sense of positive relationships, conflict resolution, tensions and disagreements. Schools are the perfect place for children to make mistakes and learn strategies to self-manage social situations.
A focus for students at BBPS for 2024 is
“It’s okay to feel anything at any time, it’s just how you control it”
In our Information Sessions this week we shared some of the strategies we use to support students to respond appropriately and understand others, as well as strategies that can be helpful at home when children process their frustrations in their interactions with others.