Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid

Beaufort Secondary College - Open Day

Integrated Studies - Term 1

The Journey to Discovery!

Our students, this term, will learn about discoveries and the journeys that people go on to achieve them, they learn to value the process rather than the destination. They will be exploring the scale of the Solar system, Light refraction, Electrical circuits, States of matter and Coding.


By the end of this learning sequence, students will use Scratch, a programming language, to present facts that they have learnt during this learning sequence. 

They will also, after creating their presentation, create a quiz to test someone who has viewed their presentation!

Have a go
Have a go

Melbourne Vixens - Clinic

We have been given the privilege to have some of the Melbourne Vixens coming to school on Friday afternoon. They will come and run netball clinics for our students after lunch time. These sessions will include fundamental skills, questioning time and possible give aways. We appreciate them taking time out of their day to visit us at Beaufort. 

Rough times 

5/6 Clinic from 1:10-2:00

3/4 Clinic from 2:20-3:00


Well Done White House!

Well done to Mikayla and Eliza on accepting the swimming shield and speaking wonderfully towards the group.


Well done to all students who participated and represented their houses at swimming sports.

6ers were the winners! 

Defeating the staff and parents in our annual relay! 


Lastly, well done to Thea and Ele on representing our school at Division Swimming 2 weeks ago in Ballarat! 

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