Grade 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec

Mrs Dallas, Mrs McBride, Mrs Bray, Mrs Harrison, Miss Jenni and Mrs Novinec have been very pleased with how well the students of Year 1/2 have approached the start of the year. There is a positive ‘can-do’ attitude coming from all our students. The learning in classrooms has been impressive to observe and we applaud your child’s efforts 👏🏻


This week we celebrated many student achievements!

Caleb and Regan exercising their Maths brains!
Nate and Aiden jamming along during singing time 🎶
Games all together outside with our Year 6 friends 🤗
Taj celebrating his 8th birthday with 1/2A 🎂🥳
Caleb and Regan exercising their Maths brains!
Nate and Aiden jamming along during singing time 🎶
Games all together outside with our Year 6 friends 🤗
Taj celebrating his 8th birthday with 1/2A 🎂🥳

Mentor Text Study

This term, we have been working on reading and understanding the text 'Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley' by Aaron Blabey. We have done lots of reads of the story to understand what is happening and who the characters are, and how Pearl and Charlie are similar and different. We have done some great writing based on this story and what we've learned, and now we are beginning to read our writing responses out to the class. Take a look at William and Hayley being super brave!

William reading to the class.
Hayley reading to the class.
William reading to the class.
Hayley reading to the class.


In Maths this week, some of our students in Year 1/2 have been learning all about numbers and how amazing numbers are! We read the story 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and had a go at making the same number in different ways. Take a look at our great learning! 🐌🦀