
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Working towards the end of term

It seems hard to believe that we have almost completed our first term of 2024.  It has been great to see everyone settling into their routines, completing tasks and assessments and participating in a whole range of classroom activities.  


Our staff have been extremely busy contacting parents and providing feedback to students over the past few weeks.  If you are unable to visit us for parent-teacher interviews, please do not hesitate to call the school to arrange a phone appointment or send an email to your child's classroom teacher via Connect.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Physical Education Studies - Ms Tait

The Year 11 and 12 Physical Education Studies students have been participating in and being assessed on Pickleball during their practical sessions. For those that are scratching their heads in confusion, Pickleball is a racket sport that has many similarities to tennis, badminton, and table tennis, that is played with a wiffleball on a badminton court. Throughout the term we have come to realise that we have an extremely competitive class, who have embraced learning the rules of a new sport. 


Throughout the Physical Education course, we place on emphasis on the ways in which sport and physical activity can enhance community involvement and throughout the year, as a class, we will be travelling to town to participate in various activities using the facilities, such as lawn bowls. 


Recently, the Year 12s have been completing practical fitness components for their exercise physiology unit. The class participated in the strength and power components of fitness testing. Congratulations to all the students who enthusiastically set down their pens to test their partners strength, agility, and overall fitness last week.


As an entire cohort this week, both Year 11 and 12 students, will be participating in the Beep Test to test their aerobic fitness. In the last week of term, the Year 11s will be competing the rest of their fitness tests in their theoretical session to have a baseline for their upcoming exercise physiology assessment. Using their results, the Year 11s will be creating a fitness profile in relation to the sports they play and looking for areas to improve on to enhance their performance in their chosen sports.


Coming up next term, the Year 12s will be busy preparing for the ESTs, whilst the Year 11s dive straight into exercise physiology.