
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

The end of Term is next week! Seems hard to believe, doesn't it? 


Term 1 finishes at 12.20pm Thursday 28 March.

Students are to be picked up by 3:00pm at the latest on that day please. 


Term 2 school starts on Tuesday 16 April.

Residence open at 4:00pm on Monday 15 April. 

Weller Dormitory students

Year 12 Weller dorm boys are lucky to be getting a refurbishment of rooms and bathrooms over the school holidays. This means that every Weller student is required to take everything home before the end of term please. We will have no storage at all as all room furniture is to be removed from each room and the storerooms will be full of tools and carpet supplies. Floors will be cutback and finished with carpet tiles. 

Unfortunately, there can be no exceptions, so if students can start this weekend that would be terrific.

Linto and How Dormitory students

Students in Linto, Moyle and How will also need to pack up their rooms as we are having the dormitories rented out to The WA Gliding Club for their 80th Anniversary fly in. Doing this is not only good for College promotion and community development; it also raises funds for us to spend on our boarders. 

Linto and How can lock items in their lockers and store under the bed, and Moyle can store under their beds but all personal items and decorations must be packed away. The Residential Supervisors will be assisting students this week to start but it would be great if parents could please help take items home for their students. 

Kitchen Survey

A kitchen survey went to all students last night and was returned this morning. I am very impressed with the mature responses and kind letters of thanks to the kitchen staff that were added onto the end of the survey forms. All the information will be collated by Jess Marshall our Chef and myself, to plan meals for the next couple of terms. We are required by the Department of Education under the Healthy Food and Drink policy to ensure we are supplying healthy, nutritious meals. We also want to serve meals that the students love which is why we survey and plan accordingly.

Changes to Weekend Leave

Just a reminder that only parents can change the students leave once they have left the College. We need to ensure that parents are aware of where their students are and as such, cannot have students changing their own leave without a parent calling the College. Please contact the Residential 24/7 number which is 0427 449 613.


Enjoy the holidays everyone and stay safe. Please remember the weather will be getting chilly next term, so packing for the return journey to boarding will need some warm items of clothing and linen. 


Kristine Van

Residential Manager