From the 

Associate Principal

Kelsey Berbari

Associate Principal

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be emailed to families on Friday 22 March 2024. Many of our students are making fantastic progress in all areas of the College, congratulations to these people. The upcoming holidays will be a great time to reflect on progress, attitude and efforts across all areas of the College and set goals for improvements moving into the second half of Semester One. 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Interviews will be held on the last day of Term 1

Thursday 28 March from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm in the Recreation Centre.


Bookings - contact Bec Marsh in the Admin Office on 9635 2100.

Appointments will be 8 minutes each.


If you are unable to attend but would like to speak with any of your child's teachers, technical officers, and/or vocational trainers please contact them directly to arrange a phone interview. 

Attendance Review

Next week we will be conducting a review of each student's attendance for Term 1. It is important students maintain an attendance rate well above 90% (even 90% averages out to missing 1 day a fortnight) in order to complete all certificate courses and classes. Regular attendance will support you in completing your personal projects, certificates, and classwork. The College will communicate, via Compass, with students and families if their attendance for Term 1 is less than 90%. It is our obligation to inform parents and caregivers of our attendance concerns and work with students to improve school attendance where we can.


I hope everyone has a great holiday break. 


Kelsey Berbari

Associate Principal