Health Centre

We hope everyone is enjoying a great start to the new school year! A special welcome to all the new Year 7 students, who have already been on their first school camp.
Year 7 Camp
If you provided medications for your child for camp but have not collected them, please come to the Health Centre to pick them up.
Why can’t the School Nurse give Panadol?
One of the most frequent questions asked of the school nurse is 'Why can’t you just give Panadol?'
As per the Department of Education Policy, schools “MUST NOT administer medications such as Panadol as a first aid strategy…it could mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury”.
The exception to this rule is if the parent has provided the medication to the school for their student and have completed an accompanying Medication Authority Form.
Drink, Drink, Drink!
We remind all students of the importance of bringing their own water bottle to school every day. It is important to keep hydrated during the school day, especially during HOT weather in this end of summer period. Dehydration can often lead to headaches and dizziness. This can be avoided by staying hydrated and drinking adequate water throughout the day.
Medical Conditions and Action Plans
At the start of each school year, students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, asthma, severe allergies, diabetes, or epilepsy need to have their relevant Action Plans supplied to the Health Centre, along with any relevant medication. These plans need to be completed by a Medical Practitioner every 12 months, as per the Department of Education (DET) guidelines. Action Plans can be provided by the Health Centre, or alternatively downloaded in the “Documents” section of Compass. Also, if a student’s allergy requires treatment with an antihistamine, please ensure this medication is supplied to the Health Centre.
Please feel free to contact us in the Health Centre should you have any student health concerns, questions, or medical updates.
Take care everyone!
Melissa Wade & Eva Gray
Wantirna College Health Team
9881 7125