Student Wellbeing 


Is it Banter or Bullying? Let's Break It Down

We've all been there - a joke that starts off funny but quickly turns sour. Banter can be awesome when it's done right - it's like a secret language that tightens friendships and shows you're part of the gang. But let's face it, sometimes banter goes too far and turns into straight-up bullying. So, how do you tell the difference?


1. Watch the Topic! Okay, so here's the deal - some things are just not cool to joke about. You know, like making fun of someone's family or picking on their appearance. It's like, imagine if someone started roasting your mum or making jokes about your acne - not fun, right? And serious stuff like self-harm or death? That's a whole different level. Let's keep it light and steer clear of those topics.


2. Consider the Setting! Picture this: you and your crew, just chilling, cracking jokes, and having a blast. That's what banter is all about - when you're with your people, and everyone's on the same page. But let's say you're with a mixed group, and not everyone knows each other well. You gotta be careful 'cause what's funny to you might not be funny to them. Always read the room!


3. Check the Intent! So, you know how sometimes you're just messing around, trying to make your friends laugh? That's cool - that's the vibe we're talking about. But if someone's being mean or trying to put someone down, that's not okay. Banter is all about good vibes, not hurting feelings.


4. Size Matters! Alright, here's the scoop: banter between you and your squad? Awesome. But once you start sharing it with the whole school or blasting it on social media, things can get messy. Not everyone's gonna get your inside jokes, especially if they're from different backgrounds or don't know you like that. Keep it tight with your circle!


5. Public vs. Private! Imagine you're chatting with your besties, and you drop a hilarious joke that only they get. It's like your secret little world of laughter, right? Now, imagine if someone took that joke and shared it with the whole school. Not cool, right? What's private should stay private - respect the boundaries.


6. Pay Attention to Reactions! Here's the deal: if everyone's laughing and having a good time, you're golden. But if someone looks hurt or uncomfortable, it's time to hit pause. Banter should bring people together, not push them apart. Keep an eye out for your friends' vibes!


7. Bottom Line! Banter is like seasoning - a sprinkle here and there makes things more fun. But too much, or the wrong kind, can ruin the whole dish. So, let's keep it light, let's keep it kind, and let's keep the good times rolling!


8. Respect Boundaries! Everybody's got their limits, right? So, if someone asks you to lay off a certain topic or tone it down, respect that. It's all about showing consideration for each other's feelings and comfort zones. Remember, good friends know when to draw the line.


9. Mind Your Timing! Timing is everything, especially when it comes to banter. What might be funny in one situation could totally flop in another. So, read the room and pick your moments wisely. And if someone's not in the mood for jokes, give them their space.


10. Use Your Words Wisely! Words are powerful, my friends. So, let's use them to lift each other up, not tear each other down. Think before you speak (or type), and choose your words with care. A little kindness goes a long way.


11. Be Open to Feedback! We're all still learning, right? So, if someone tells you that your banter crossed the line, don't get defensive. Take it as a learning opportunity and listen to what they have to say. Being open to feedback shows maturity and helps us grow as individuals and friends.


12. Spread Positivity! Banter doesn't always have to be about poking fun or teasing each other. Why not switch it up and spread some positivity instead? Compliments, inside jokes that uplift, and shared laughs about funny memories can strengthen bonds without risking anyone's feelings.


13. Lead by Example! As awesome teenagers, we have the power to set the tone for our social circles. So, let's lead by example and show others how to banter respectfully. When we treat each other with kindness and consideration, we create a positive environment where everyone feels valued and included.


14. Speak Up! If you see someone being bullied or if the banter is getting out of hand, don't just stand by. Speak up and let your friends know that it's not cool. Together, we can create a culture of kindness and support where everyone feels safe to be themselves.


15. Have Fun! At the end of the day, banter is meant to be fun! So, let's keep it light-hearted, laugh together, and enjoy each other's company. When done right, banter can strengthen friendships and create memories that last a lifetime.


And hey, if things ever get too much online, don't hesitate to reach out for help. The eSafety Commissioner's got your back!

If you have been threatened, harassed or had private content posted online you can contact the eSafety Commissioner at: 

Looking for Support?  

Knox Youth Services 

2 Capital City Blvd,  Wantirna South 

(03) 9298 8469  

Knox Youth Services provides information, referral and support programs for young people aged 10 –25 years who live, work, study or relax in the City of Knox. Workers at the Centre can provide information, support and individual assistance about:  

  • family conflict  
  • accommodation  
  • drug and alcohol issues  
  • relationships  
  • sexual health  
  • sexuality  
  • employment and training 


headspace Knox 

2 Capital City Boulevard, Westfield Knox Ozone,

(03) 9801 6088 

headspace Knox offers young people aged 12-25 a welcoming environment where they can access confidential and free mental health support, health advice, and general information.  


EACH Community Health

1063 Burwood Hwy, Ferntree Gully VIC 3156.  Phone: 1300 003 224  

EACH provides a range of health, disability, counselling, and mental health services across Australia. 

Youth Support Services 

headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call headspace on 

1800 650 890.

Kids Helpline: 

1800 55 1800 or 


SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or

National 24/7 crisis services 

Lifeline:13 11 14 or 


Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or 



1300 224 636 or


Student Wellbeing Team



Ashleigh Bibby - Leader of Wellbeing

Guiseppe Relia – Wellbeing Coordinator 

Talea-Jane Simpson – School Counsellor

Lea Marrison - Mental Health Practitioner

Tajinder Wulff - Mental Health Practitioner