Leader: Geenah Loughran
Leader: Geenah Loughran
There is significant evidence that building the school–home connection is crucial to improving educational achievement and student wellbeing outcomes. There is a correlation between parent involvement and a variety of wellbeing metrics including:
Throughout 2024, we will be working closely with The Resilience Project to support the wellbeing of our school community.
The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience.
Our Partnership Program consists of online presentations and weekly lessons for students, professional development for staff, and Parent & Carer Hub (inc. digital presentations) for our parent and carer community.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the Parent & Carer Hub with you. The videos are 5-10 minutes long and will walk through the key pillars of resilience: Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness. You’ll hear stories and be introduced to activities to show how these strategies can support our kids' learning and development, and also support you as parents and carers.
This program is an important part of our school’s effort to look after the mental health of our community.
View the first presentation of the series here:
Part 1: Meet Martin and learn about The Resilience Project https://theresilienceproject.com.au/2023-parent-carer-hub-inspire-martin/
We will be in touch fortnightly to share the remainder of the program, including research and wellbeing activities to integrate into day to day life.
For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.
Our Blitz for Week 6 and 7 will be ‘keeping our yard tidy’. Our school is such a beautiful school, we have so many wonderful play spaces and equipment to keep us busy each day. Let’s try and take pride in our school and work together.
Put away the sports equipment after each break
If you play with something such as lego or sports equipment, YOU need to pack it up when you are finished with it!!
Keep the drinking troughs free of any sand.
Stay off the area where the new plants are - we need to respect our environment.