Specialist Classes

In STEM, the 1-2 students spent time learning about the Human Body and explored the purpose of each part. They were given lots of different labels and had to cut them out and paste them in the correct place. At the end of the lesson, the students really enjoyed the game of Body Bingo. This is where each group used post it notes to select different body parts by labelling a student with the notes. The first group to remove all of their chosen labels was the winner!
See photos below:
This week in STEM, the Grade 3 and 4 students continued to extend their Keynote skills by creating a Life Cycle slide of a chosen animal. They first had to research their animal and the different stages that it goes through from birth to adulthood. Then they were able to present their information in Keynote using many of the skills they learnt a few weeks ago with David Williams. The students loved this task and their presentations were super impressive given that many students were relatively new to Keynote.
This week the the F/1’s were lucky enough to have their first Art lesson for the year with their Gr 5/6 buddies!! The students were inspired by the work of Romero Britto to create their own self portrait using pencils, oil pastels or textas. Both groups loved working together to create these masterpieces!