Level 1

Level 1


The Level 1 students have been doing a wonderful job of developing their skills with writing. When writing a recount, they have been applying new and interesting words by using adjectives, synonyms, and sequencing words. We have explored the book ‘Wombat Stew’ and even created our own version. Using our new vocabulary, we have applied this to creating a recount of our experience and are now working towards creating a procedure. 



We have had a lot of fun during our Numeracy sessions. We are learning to use hands-on materials to make numbers, partition, rename numbers and find patterns. An exciting task that we participated in was ‘Place Value Zoo’. We were able to use our imaginations to build an animal out of MAB blocks and then found out how much our animal was worth.


Our Inquiry topic this term is called, ‘Through Generations’. We have been learning about the past, present and future. We have explored some games that were played in the past and even got to have a go ourselves. These games included hopscotch, marbles, Tiddlywinks and using tin cans for bowling. It was a lot of fun!



  • Como House Excursion 18th March – 1RK and 1RH
  • Como House Excursion 19th March – 1CA and 1CR
  • Please continue with your readers and Magic Words.
  • Hats, sunscreen, and drinks bottles to be brought to class.
  • If you can, please send a box of tissues to class.
  • Three-Way Conferences 25th and 26th March