

It’s been a wonderful couple of weeks in Foundation. We have been continuing to build our stamina during learning activities and getting to know the routines of school. It has been great to see all the things that the Foundation students have already learned in half a term. 



In Literacy, we have been learning the sounds of s, a, t, p, i, n, c, k, e, h, r, m and d. We have begun sounding out and blending words that contain these sounds. We have also begun reading simple sentences. Just a reminder that we have our sounds and reading strategies videos available here: Sounds and reading strategies  to help you work with your child at home. 

We have also been learning how to correctly form letters and we have been attempting to write simple words that use the sounds that we have been learning.


We have been learning how to write numbers upto 10, put numbers to 10 in order and to match collections of objects to certain numbers. We have also been learning about measuring. The students loved tracing around their feet and measuring the length of their feet using various objects.


We are continuing to work on our fine motor skills and independence at school. Well done to those students who have been walking in by themselves, putting their bags away and unpacking their belongings independently.


Thank you so much to Marnie and Luke Jones for coming to FTM and FEJ last week with their bees. The students loved hearing about the bees, seeing them and listening to their buzzing. They also loved tasting the fresh honey. We love having visitors in Foundation!