Parent Association

Parents Association News:


We are already at the mid-way point for term one the Parents Association would like to remind you about the two great events coming up before the end of term.


HEPS Global Twilight Sports – Friday 15th March, 5-8pm


Come along to this family event where the children and adults can take part and enjoy games from around the world. Amongst the fun will be a version of egg and spoon, poison ball from China, sack races with a twist from Sweden, hula hoop jumping races from India, Flip 5 from the USA and lots more! The games will be coordinated by our wonderful HEPS teachers and staff so just listen out for announcements on how to make your way through the activities.


The Parents’ Association will be selling food and drinks between 5pm and 7:30pm. At this event we will be selling Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Vegetable pies, soft drinks and water. There will also be an Ice Cream truck there on the night. Families are also very welcome to bring along a picnic dinner, picnic rug or chairs and enjoy a relaxing meal and evening with the HEPS community. Please note that this is an alcohol and dog free event. 


To provide this delicious food we need volunteers to help us make this happen! If you can spare part of the evening to help with cooking food or selling the food and drinks please register your availability at this link, your help is very appreciated Twilight sports volunteer register.

Easter Raffle

The Easter raffle is back for 2024! There will be 26 prizes available to win that will be drawn and distributed on Monday 25th March at 9am. Winners will also be announced afterwards via a Compass announcement and if your child happens to be away that day their prize will be available for collection at the office.Tickets are available for sale online. Tickets are $2 each or packages as shown on the website.  To purchase your tickets please visit: HEPS Easter Raffle


Prizes for the Easter raffle are made up of kind donations of chocolate eggs and easter treats from HEPS families. To cater for all children at our school we welcome all sorts of chocolate eggs, allergy friendly Easter treats (e.g., dairy free, nut free, gluten free, sugar free), new Easter toys, books or activities. Please drop your donations to the office from now until Friday 15th March so we have plenty of items and time to parcel up for the prizes. Thank you so much for your support!


Thank you so much for supporting this fun Easter activity! All funds raised from the raffle will be spent towards establishing a natural play space to support the development of creative and collaborative play. 



PA Committee for 2023

At the AGM on Thursday 29th February, we filled all positions on the PA Executive Committee. 


Our 2024 Executive Committee Members are:


President – Linda King

Vice-President – Rebecca Gordon

Treasurer – Lauren McNicol

Secretary – Samantha Dowsing

Communications – Emma Sarris


We would like to thank and welcome all those that accepted nominations for a role on the Parents Association and all the new general committee members that have joined us for 2024! 


We would also like to give our sincere thanks to Elizabeth Williams for all the time and effort that she contributed over multiple years on the Parents Association and all the work in her role as Secretary. 


Fun events ahead for 2024!


We have lots of events that we are planning and supporting in 2024 including Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, special student lunches, disco bingo, colour run and the wonderful end of year concert.


If you have any queries at all or are interested in helping out with the Parents Association in 2024 please come along to our next meeting at 2.30pm on Thursday 21st March in the staffroom or you can email us at