
Sustainability has had an exciting start to the year!

March sees a new season in the Wurundjeri calendar: Luk (The eel season) 



In the Sustainability Class Room

Foundation students are exploring seasons, weather and the water cycle with some fun experiments and craft activities.  


Level 1's are exploring underwater ecosystems and how we can keep them clean and healthy. We are learning about food chains and food webs in coral reefs. 


Level 2's are investigating Biotic and Abiotic factors of ecosystems using our new native garden and mini frog bog for field research! 


Level 3's are investigating the health and wellbeing of living things. We started our unit by hatching chickens in the sustainability room. Level 3's are researching what chickens need to be safe, happy and healthy and designing environments to meet these needs. 

Level 4's are using the scientific method to conduct experiments and assess the impact of greenhouse gasses on the environment. Students will assess their own carbon footprint and reflect on small changes they can make to reduce their footprint. 

Level 5's are looking at natural disasters and the impact they can have on the biosphere, society, and the economy. They have created and presented posters of their research into the biosphere.


Level 6's are exploring responsible production and consumption. Students have investigated the role of the producer and consumer in making sustainable choices and how human, capital, and natural resources need to be considered when producing and consuming. 


The Kitchen Garden

The kitchen garden is providing the goods after the summer break. The recent working bee has enabled us to be ready for our next season of planting. Families, we’d love to have you at garden club on Thursdays at 1:30pm!  If you’d like to come along, please sign in at the office.