Level 6

Level  6  


In Writing, students have been learning about Information Reports. Students have revisited the structure of writing this type of text, in between learning how to summarise information and transferring this. Developing their own writer’s voice and selecting specific vocabulary and language to help convey meaning has also been a focus. Students have been working on researching a famous Australian and collecting information, and creating their own Information Report about them, their life and contributions. 




Students have been exploring the concepts of place value and decimals this term. Students have developed their approximation and estimation skills through lessons centering recognising, ordering and rounding decimals. Interactive games, dice games and creating tables to represent learning have been the focus. This week’s focus sees a shift to the process and concept of Addition, with students learning about addition involving whole numbers, decimals and fractions and applying this to real life problems such as shopping and money. 



Throughout reading this term, students have been learning about Australian History and concepts of change. Being able to identify key information and filter through redundant content, search for key ideas and summarise this in their own words, have been the focus. Students have learnt summarising non-fiction and fiction texts and the key differences when doing so, and then transferring this to their own ‘good fit book’. This week students will be exploring the idea of compare and contrast, reading maps, and how to summarise these too. 


Looking ahead – Key dates 

  • Interschool Sport Gala Day – Tuesday 12th March 
  • Twilight Sports – March 15th 
  • Student Led Conferences – Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March
  • Level 6 Inquiry Expo – Wednesday 27th March 2-3.30pm
  • Last Day of Term 1 – Thursday 28th March