Level 4

Level  4 

Congratulations to the students who chose to apply for the Junior School Council (JSC) positions for 2024. Student speeches were delivered in many different ways, and all students should be proud of themselves for participating. Student voice is valued at HEPS and we are looking forward to the following students representing our year level.


 Olivia, Shreya and Mufaddal


Have you been wondering what we have been doing in Inquiry? Well, we have been researching our own family history and finding out where we belong. Some of us have been surprised about where our grandparents and great grandparents were born. 

Next, we are going to learn about one of these countries and use Google Slides to present it. Stay tuned!



We are always working to improve our comprehension strategies and we have been working on summarising fiction and non-fiction books. It has been a bit tricky, but the more we practiced, the better we became.


Summaries from fiction books we read: 

Izzy Gizmo

Somebody  - Izzy Gizmo 

Wanted - to make wings for a dove who lost its wings

So - she tried and tried to design and make some

But - her designs did not work 

Then - she persisted and created some wings that worked

My mouth is a volcano

Somebody  - Louis

Wanted - to talk all the time

So - his classmates, parents and teachers were not happy

But - his teacher helped him with a strategy

Then - he stopped calling out unless it was an emergency

From Alex, Amanda, Aubrey, Mason, Ipsa, Jess and Vuk


Writing - Narratives

We want to keep the reader interested, so we used a story graph to help plan together.  

We used dialogue, onomatopoeia and action words to create a ‘Bold beginning’.

We learnt how to tighten the tension, by using our senses in the middle part of the story.

We found out how to create an exciting ending and banned boring endings like ‘the end’ and ‘then I woke up.’


We worked out that we could also write a summary when planning a story. It really helped us come up with ideas quickly.

From all of 4LS



We found so many 3D shapes in the school yard, and we wondered how many you could find at home. One activity we really liked was using boxes from home and pulling them apart so we could see the net of the shape. Then we made a net to match, and pretended it was a real product from the shops. Some of us tried to sell it to our classmates. It was heaps of fun! 


We also recognised the features of 3D shapes and compared them to 2D shapes. Next, we will be learning about the area of regular and irregular shapes. 

From Nate V, Avi and Ianthe