Level 2

Level  2  

Dear Level 2 Parents,

We are excited to update you on the recent achievements and ongoing activities in the Level 2 program.


Literacy Focus

In literacy, our students are immersed in explanation writing. They are enhancing their spelling, sentence structure, and knowledge acquisition through reading to support their understanding for the upcoming mini Inquiry projects. Topics under exploration include Robotics, Transport Inventions, Important Technological Inventions, and Building Structures. The children have shared highly expressive and creative ideas, enjoying the process of sharing and entertaining each other.


Mathematical Discoveries

Within mathematics, our students are exploring Place Value and number patterns. They are tackling open-ended questions involving skip counting, utilizing tools like dice to create additive rules and uncover number patterns. Additionally, they are delving into the place value of numbers and learning techniques to partition numbers in both standard and non-standard ways. This foundational knowledge will support their ability to regroup and manipulate numbers as the year progresses.


Inquiry Engagements

Our students are enthusiastically developing ideas for the upcoming Triorama projects in the realm of Inquiry. They have the exciting opportunity to select from Robotics, Transport inventions, Important technological inventions, or building structures. We eagerly anticipate the unveiling of their creative projects!

We are thrilled with the remarkable progress our Level 2 students are demonstrating in these areas. Their dedication and enthusiasm are truly commendable, and we witness their growing independence week by week.


Additional Updates

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-teacher conferences for Level 2 are Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March. Please arrange a meeting with your child's teacher to discuss their progress and goals.
  • School Twilight Sports Evening: Mark your calendars for the upcoming Twilight Sports Evening in two weeks! Encourage your child to participate and come dressed in suitable attire for an evening of active fun.

We express our gratitude for your continuous partnership and support. Together, we can empower our students to flourish and achieve success. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community!

Warm regards, Level 2 Team