Family and Faith

 News from our Family Educator - Ms Tracey Bowler

Family Masses 2024 - Now Sundays at 9:30am!

At Family Masses EVERYONE is invited!


You are kindly invited to attend the Kindergarten and Year 6 Buddies Family Mass to be held on Sunday, 17th March (Saint Patrick’s Day!) at 9.30am in the Church. Wear a touch of green and bring a plate to share after Mass in the Church foyer.


This is the first Family Mass of the year and it is a great opportunity to share our faith and pray together in this Season of Lent. Everyone is invited!


At this Mass the Kindy children will be given a small memento in celebration of their first year at big school - the much loved The Our Lady of Fatima Storybook.


Please come along and join in this beautiful celebration of the Eucharist.


Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park Sutherland March 19th.

Join us for Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park - You’re Invited! 


Have you made time this Lent to reflect on the upcoming events of Holy Week? Why not join the Family Educators from the Sutherland Shire Catholic Schools for Stations of the Cross at Woronora Memorial Park Sutherland.  This prayerful experience will give you insight into Jesus’s last hours on earth. 


Date: Tuesday 19th March   

Time: 10.45am at the Memorial Park.

Please refer to the invitation sent out this week to book for this event.


Fatima Friends Invitation-Come and join in the fun!

Pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies along with their parents and carers are warmly invited to attend Friday Fatima Friends in the Library on Friday mornings after Prayer Assembly.


Who:  Pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies are also welcome and parents and carers

With:  Tracey Bowler Family Educator/Teacher 

What: Toddler Tales involves participating in a 30/40 minute teacher directed lesson which includes activities such as praying, singing, free play, gardening, talking, dancing, movement, craft, visiting the resident chickens, sport and games.

Where: Meet in the Mercy Library after Assembly Prayer on the playground.

When: Fridays at 9.00 am - 9:40 am. Please refer to the school calendar for dates.


Here are some photos of our first session last week. We made Lenten Prayer Streamers!


We buried the “Alleluia!”

Dating back to the 13th century, the church has abstained from saying “Alleluia” during the Lenten season. It is a way we remember with our words that we are in a season of repentance, of turning from and putting to death our sins. We stop saying Alleluia because we are saving up all of our joy and praise for the Lord on Easter Sunday.


On Shrove Tuesday the Year 6 captains got a shovel and dug a hole big enough for the Alleluia to be buried. We will dig it up again on Easter Sunday (or after the Easter break!) when we once again can say the Alleluia at Mass.


  • Lent is a time to identify the things we THINK, FEEL and DO, that prevent us from moving closer to God and which stop us from living like Jesus.  
  • Lent is about conversion – moving into practices in which we grow more like Christ and help us live His way of life.
  • As Catholics, we use PRAYER, FASTING AND ALMSGIVING to bring us closer to God and prepare ourselves for the Easter Season.  All three of these Lenten practices link together to allow the Holy Spirit to bring about the conversion we seek during Lent.

PRAYER - Prayer is our communication with God.  It is through prayer that we develop a closer, more intimate relationship with God.  During Lent, we try and pray more by talking to God, as well as by being silent with God, so that we may hear God speak to us.    


FASTING - Fasting is one of the most ancient actions linked to Lent, although the rules have changed through the ages, it is still considered a sacred practice.  When we hear the word ‘fast’ we straight away think of ‘giving up’ something like lollies, chocolate or our favourite food.  Fasting is about limiting the amount we eat and/or denying ourselves certain foods.  It is primarily a spiritual discipline designed to allow us to concentrate less on our body and more on prayer.


It is important to remember, fasting should lead to a deeper relationship with God and others.  Fasting is not a selfish act, rather an act that allows us to focus less on ourselves and more on strengthening our relationship with God and others.


ALMSGIVING - Almsgiving is a sign of our care for those in need and an expression of our gratitude for all God has given to us.  Works of charity and the promotion of justice are integral elements of the Christian way of life.  When we look carefully, we will find Christ in our neighbours, especially the poor and needy.  One way we usually support those in need during Lent is by giving money to the annual Project Compassion Appeal. 


Wishing you time to reflect on your Lenten journey this year with your family.






Tracey Bowler | Family Educator