Religious Education
Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator
Religious Education
Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator
Each Tuesday at 8.30am the staff at OLF have been invited to a Prayer reflection focussing on the readings for the Lenten season. This is taking place in the Library. Fr Zeljko has been joining us for these Prayer reflections as well and we are grateful for his presence at these.
So… your child’s teacher may be unavailable from 8.30 -8.45 on these days.
Your child has a Religious Education text book in their classroom called ‘To Know worship and love’. (KWL)
We are encouraging each student to take this book home during Lent and to pray the prayer suggested for Lent. You might like to set up a special little Prayer space to gather around to say this prayer. Two minutes beautifully spent as a family together !!!
Take a photo and share it with us !!!
As we continue our journey through this Liturgical Season of Lent, it is timely to ask ourselves once again …. How are we refocusing our minds and hearts on how we live out our faith on a daily basis? What are we doing during this time to deepen our relationship with our God?
If you haven’t had a chance yet…a reminder…here is a great little you tube explanation of Lent in 3 minutes:
Last week Year 6 celebrated Mass with the Parish at the 9.15am Parish Mass.
In Week 5 Year 4 will be attending Friday's Parish Mass. You are all most welcome to attend these Parish Masses!
After each of these Masses Fr Julian has asked that the students remain in the Church for a short Q&A time! During this time the students have a chance to ask Fr Julian questions about anything to do with our Catholic faith or… even about his life as a Parish Priest.
The following DID YOU KNOW? points are from the Year 4 ‘To Know , Worship and Love’ book (KWL)
I wonder…. How many of these are we aware of??? So … did you know……
Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!
Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator