News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to attend the Meet and Greet sessions with your child's teacher/s this week.


It is incredibly valuable for teachers to learn about your children from YOU - the people who know them best as their first educators. These conversations and information ultimately assist in the design of quality teaching and learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners. Please do not underestimate the importance of parent/teacher relationships. When we are all on the same page the children benefit greatly and together we can do great things. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many of you across the two days and I thank the teachers for their commitment, professionalism and energy in the effort put into meeting you all after a long day teaching in the classroom.


Beginning Teacher's Commissioning Mass

Last week I had the pleasure of accompanying 4 of our beginning teachers, to a Commissioning Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, with other new scheme teachers in Sydney Catholic Schools, to celebrate and pray for them as they begin their vocation as educators in Catholic education. This special occasion was celebrated by Archbishop Fisher and his message to them all was to embrace and discover the profound joy of shaping young minds and spirits, guided by the principles of compassion and service. By embracing this privilege you will not only educate but also inspire by illuminating hearts and minds. 


I am sure you all join me in congratulating them and wishing them all the best as they join our community at Our Lady of Fatima.  We are so proud of our enthusiastic beginning teachers!


Parent Rep Meeting 

The re-scheduled Parent Rep meeting will take place on Thursday 7th March at 2 pm in the library. We are looking for parents to represent their child's grade to lead a fundraising community initiative or event throughout the year. If anyone would like to nominate themselves and is unable to make the meeting next week please inform the office at or on 9524 9980. I look forward to working with you all this year to bring our community alive.


All loving God,

We have come together this year to name not just our hopes and needs,

but the yearnings of our hearts. The flame of inspiration shines differently within each of our hearts and those of our children and students.


As we move forward, unique yet together, our lights combine to illuminate the world around us with myriad colours. May we continue to encourage the light of inspiration in the hearts and minds of our children and students and be their champions and loving guides in all that they do as we journey together. 


May we serve with love and joy. 








Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal