Principal Message

Dear Families,


ICAS academic competition: Recently at assembly we celebrated some outstanding achievement in The University of Sydney ICAS assessments. This is an annual ‘opt in assessment’ that Mr Hebbard coordinates. Recently I received letters for 8 of our students to participate in the ICAS All Star Academic Competition. Congrats to Alfie E, India D, Isla S, James H, Katie Z, Kerry Z, Lennox D and Violet P who received this invitation. The event is not until 2025.


School Magazine: The 2024 School magazine has arrived and a huge thank you to Jess Chadwick and Bec Bradbury for their collaborative work in achieving this. It is a fabulous production that captures just some of the work the staff put into the year. The cost is $23 and orders can be made via Flexi Schools up until Sunday 8th of December.  After this they can be purchased via the office. We hope you enjoy reflecting on a terrific 2024 as you look through the pages. 


2025 classes: Staff will begin to build classes for 2025 over the next few weeks and as they know your children, their academic levels, their social interactions etc, they attempt to form classes that have balances in gender, academic ability, students with various needs and behaviours. This is a complex task and one we take care in. My instructions to staff are to create classes that any teacher would love to have. Please talk to your children about the opportunities that come when new grades are formed – new friendships, new teachers, new learning, new spaces, etc. Wednesday 18th December will be the day when we move students to their new classes to meet their 2025 teacher. Until then, enjoy the current year, current class, current location etc. 


Shark Tank: The Year 5’s are attempting to inspire a group of ‘sharks’ to ‘invest’ in their new products. Based on the TV show Shark Tank, Year 5’s are using their persuasive ability to motivate a would be investor into supporting their ideas. Some amazing work being done in Year 5. Thanks to the volunteer ‘sharks’ who have helped and challenged the Year 5’s.


Spelling Bee: The annual spelling Bee was conducted today, and some amazing work was on show. Congrats to all students who have represented their class, well done! To our 2024 Spelling Bee champions, congratulations and keep up the great work. Thanks to Ms McKeon for all your work preparing the event and thanks to all families who attended.


Assembly: Last week was the first assembly with the new LED screen and sound system. If you were there, I think you would agree it was an outstanding assembly hosted by the School Captains, the AV set up enhanced the overall experience and I look forward to seeing the AV used in many more creative ways.  Just a reminder our next and final assembly will be over at the park on December 13th (Friday) from 9.15am and usually goes until just before 11am. Bring your rugs, blankets, camp chairs etc and celebrate 2024 with us at the final assembly.


Julian Teague: Tomorrow will be Julian’s last day with us for 2024… and 2025. Julian is taking some long service leave and then a year of leave. We know he has some exciting things happening in this time and we wish him all the very best and hope he enjoys this extended break. Thanks for all the great things you have done at OGPS over the years, Julian. 


NAPLAN: Today we had the Geelong Advertiser reach out to create an article to celebrate our amazing NAPLAN results. We know that with hard work, dedicated teachers, supportive families and strong relationships, that we will achieve great results. Thanks to the students for their efforts, to families for supporting your young learners and to the amazing staff who have contributed to the collective effort of these results, THANK YOU! Keep your eyes open for the Geelong Advertiser over the next few days! 



We are having our bulk classroom supplies delivered on Monday 16th December and need to assist in unpacking the truck of supplies into the gym.  We’re looking for parent volunteers to help out.  We won’t know the time the truck is coming until the morning, so if you think you’d be available on the day we’d give you a call once the truck arrives.

Please email into the school at with your name, mobile no and availability time if you think you can help out. 


Have a great week everyone… 2 more weeks to go after this one! 


Scott McCumber 
