Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


Can you believe there are only three weeks left of the school year? This week our students have been taking part in Achievement Week. Measuring the progress of all students is an important part of our school year so we can ensure learning goals are being reached and students know where to next with their learning. 


Planning for 2025 is well underway but these coming weeks we look forward to celebrating the amazing year we have had as a school community this year. Please check Compass Events to make sure you are across all of the events your child has coming up. 


One such event is Kidpreneaur Market Day. Out Grade 5s have been hard at work making items to sell at the Altona Beach Market on Tuesday 3 December. We encourage any available members of our Albanvale Primary School Community to come down and support our Grade 5 students as they gain an insight into how a small business may run, all while raising money for their chosen charities.


While we are heading towards the end of the year it is still very important to make sure we are attending school, and attending school on time. School hours are 8:45am to 3:15pm. In recent weeks we have had occasions where over 10% of our students have been late for school. When this happens consistently it all adds up to missed learning, but also interruptions for students who are at school on time.


School Savings Bonus

Earlier in the year the Victorian Government announced a one off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025. Families should have received an email from the Department of Education with details on how they can use this money to pay for school uniforms, camps and excursions in 2025. You can find more information on the bonus in the newsletter. We encourage all families to have a think about events your child may have next year, especially with Grade 6, 5 and 4 having a camp next year, as this bonus can be used to cover this payment if you wish.


Families leaving Albanvale PS

Please let the office know if your child is leaving the school at the end of this year so we can begin the transition process for your child with their new school.


Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together. 


Michael Uzunovski
