Connect: Foundation

Key Dates


Library for all Preps

Please supply a library bag

Wed Dec 4th Community Picnic
Friday 20th DecLast Day of school 1:30pm finish


During Literacy, we are focusing on being a ‘good writer’ which involves being organised, sitting correctly, pincer pencil grip and correct letter formation. Students have enjoyed writing sentences during our dictation sessions. They have written sentences such as, Ralph sings the alphabet song. Wham! Seth landed flat in the mud. We have also discussed what a noun, verb and adjective is. Children have been reading a big book each day and focusing on the features of a fiction and non fiction text.

Letters/words covered so far: Future letters/words
  • All alphabet letters
  • Words ending in ll, ss, ff, zz  (The Floss Rule) 
  • Suffix and plural /s/
  • CVCC words eg. camp
  • CCVC words eg. flip
  • CCVCC words eg. blank
  • Ck words eg. duck
  • Sh words eg. shed
  • Th words eg. thud
  • Ng words eg sing
  • Ph eg. graph
  • Wh eg. what


  • Revision
I, the, my, the, me, he, she, to, do, was, we, see, this, here, of, are, her, for, too, his, you, me, said, come, off, have, play, down, our, there, say, little, play, say, they, put, all, going, our, wereRevision



In Maths we are learning all about sharing. Students are solving and creating stories that involve sharing. For example, “I have 9 lollies to share between 3 friends. How many each?”


Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a game you could play at home:



Our Inquiry Unit in Term Four is titled, ‘Our Sustainable World’. Children will investigate the conditions required to sustain living things and how changing seasons impact on living things. We will discuss sustainable actions that enable us to care for our environment. For example, sustainable ways to keep warm in Winter and cool in Summer. Students will develop an interest in growing their own food.


Here is a story about Recycling:

The Messy Magpie ebook





Please remember to send your satchel to school daily and check for notices. We will endeavour to change readers every Monday. Students have a QR code to Decodable Readers Australia with their own personal log in details. This is an excellent tool you can use at home to aid your at home reading. Additionally, each week we will provide students with a decodable book and an interest book, which will need to be returned to school. 



Next week all books must be returned and borrowing will cease for the year.


Toileting Before School

Please remind your child to use the toilet before school so that their learning is not interrupted in the morning session.


Spare Clothes

Please ensure your child has a change of clothes in their bag. This must include 2 pairs of socks and a full set of uniform (t-shirt, jumper, underwear and pants/dress). Please name all clothing items.


Grade 6 Buddies

Every fortnight, the Preps and their Grade 6 Buddies are participating in a variety of exciting activities. These include outdoor games, art, gardening, scavenger hunts and more!