Learning News 4/5/6

Mrs Amy Phillips


Last Friday, our girls walked to the Clay Pan to participate in a clay workshop led by Paula McIver and Robyn Walker. The girls had the opportunity to work with clay to create Christmas decorations. Paula and Robyn also gave the girls a tour of the Clay Pan, explaining the process of firing clay and showcasing the potter's wheels and many impressive pieces of clay artwork created by local Barraba artists.



Meanwhile, our boys revisited the Barraba Men's Shed, where they are nearing completion of their project: a game where you throw a football through a hole. They have worked collaboratively to solve problems and have learned how to use a variety of tools to create something that will be a lasting addition to our school.



These activities provide valuable opportunities for our students to engage with the community, helping to foster a sense of connection and involvement beyond the classroom. It is wonderful to build these connections with our wider community.


Stage 3 Maths

What a fortnight we have had!

We have delved into the world of possibilities for this unit about chance. Not only have we been closely watching weather forecasts, we have learned to quantify the terminology and to place chance along a number line. We have had great discussions around the chance of events happening in our region: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite landings, discovery of new species, hurricanes and storms. How interesting to see that the lack of history of events happening, does not necessarily make events impossible (just ask Josh about earthquakes!). Here are some of our presentations and predictions.

We learned to conduct chance experiments with integrity, record the frequencies and interpret the data. Some events had predicted outcomes, some were unexpected!

Our young people also worked on the different possibilities of food combinations for a potential party (with a $100 budget). There were definitely some options more popular than others!