Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
Nine young people have been preparing to receive Holy Communion for the first time this Sunday. This sacrament is one of the three initiation sacraments into the Catholic faith and is a significant milestone in their faith journeys. Please keep these young people in your prayers: Angus, Lucas, Blake, Piper, Preston, Oliver, Jax, Tillie and William.
Our final school mass for 2024 will be on Friday 6 December at 10.15am. This will be led by the students in K/1/2 and is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together to give thanks for the blessings of 2024. It would be wonderful to see as many families join us as you can for this special celebration.