Principals' Message
Mrs Dominica Bearman
Principals' Message
Mrs Dominica Bearman
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 6! The halfway point of the term is well and truly here and there is still plenty of wonderful learning opportunities to take place as the students and their teachers work towards the end of the year. We encourage everyone, especially our Year 6 students and their families to make the most of the next few weeks and cherish the special moments that will occur during this time.
Last Tuesday we held our annual AGM for our P&F and SAC. A huge thank you to all the parents who attended these meetings.
Our 2025 P&F members are:
President: Courtney Stevenson
Vice President: Amy Phillips
Secretary: Katie Shadbolt
Treasurer: Hannah Johnston
The Chairperson of the SAC is Ben Abell
I would like to take this opportunity to thank this years P&F for all the hard work they have put in to support our school.
Attending Remembrance Day ceremonies is a powerful way to honour the sacrifices made by service members throughout history. These ceremonies offer a moment to pause, reflect, and acknowledge the bravery and dedication of those who served and continue to serve. By attending, we show respect not only for those who gave their lives, but also for the values of freedom, peace and unity they fought to protect. It's a collective act of gratitude, keeping their memories alive in our hearts and passing on the importance of their sacrifices to future generations. This year all of our students were engaged in a service for Remembrance Day.
As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, could I please ask that you finalise school fees over the next few weeks. The school’s financial year is a calendar year and we need to report to the Catholic Schools Office by the end of this year. Again, thank you to our community for your ongoing financial support of our school.
If you are having financial difficulty, and our school fees are an issue, please make contact with the office and we will schedule a meeting to discuss this and ensure that we can make a successful pathway forward
Following the 27th October meeting of the Armidale Catholic Schools Board it was resolved that for 2025 all schools will increase their school tuition fees by 3.5%. As we are a Systemic Catholic school, we receive less government funding than public schools. This means we have to charge school fees to ensure that we provide our students with a similar educational experience. Therefore, the school fees must be paid, as these funds are used to support your children in their schooling.
In making this decision the Board were considerate of the growing cost of living pressures on families. The fee increase will be introduced from the beginning of the school year in 2025.
Wishing all members of our school community a wonderful week!