Noticeboard and Important Dates

Important Dates
Friday 8 November - Bandanna Day
Monday 11 November - 11.30am- Remembrance Day Assembly
- 2.30-3.30pm - Foundation Transition
Wednesday 13 November - Year 3/4 Werribee Zoo
-2.30-3.30pm - Foundation Transition
Thursday 14 November - 8am - Foundation Breakfast
Bandanna Day
Tomorrow CNPS will be taking part in National Bandanna Day! Bandanna Day is the flagship fundraising and awareness campaign for Canteen. Canteen offers peer-support programs, counselling and other specialist services so that no young person goes through cancer alone.
We encourage all students to wear bandannas and show their support for this important cause.
There are still plenty of bandannas left so it is not too late to purchase one tomorrow. They are $7 each. Students can buy them at recess or lunch with cash or parents can come up to the office and use a card in the morning before school.
You are welcome to wear your own bandanna from home, just bring a gold coin.
Thanks, from the SRC
Hello everyone, it’s that time of year again! We are collecting clean jars with metal lids for the jams and preserves stall at the fete. Can you please pop any you have in the box at the sign in spot at Trish/Gaby’s office. All sizes are welcome, but 200-400ml are especially awesome :)
If you’d like to help with making jams/pickles/preserved goodness but not sure how to start or what you’d like to make, if you have connections to seasonal fruit and veggie providers that might be able to donate supplies over the next few month or if you have a fabric stash and some time to cut out circular toppers for us to zhoozh our jars with, we’d love to hear from you!
Text/WhatsApp/call Erin on 0422296207, we’d love to hear from you