Literacy News

Writing Moderation
Over the past couple of weeks the year3-6 students have all written a response based on this prompt.
This gives our teachers the chance to moderate the students writing against the Victorian Curriculum standards and to compare writing between classes and year levels.
What would you write about if you were given this prompt?
Library Open on a Wednesday Morning
The library is open on a Wednesday morning from 8.30 -8.50am. This is an opportunity for parents to visit our library with their children to browse our fabulous range of books. You can enter the library via the middle doors near OSHC. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Lions Public Speaking Competition Final - Next Tuesday!
This event will be held in the BER building next Tuesday, 19th November from 10am. We wish our finalists, JZ, Lily and Marley all the very best as they compete against finalists from other schools. No matter what happens, we are already so proud of the three of you!
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years
What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish?
What word begins with E, ends with E, but only has one letter?
What’s tall when it’s young but short when it’s old?
Answers will be available in the next edition of Snippets.