1/2 News…

Junior Sports Day!
On Friday, our 1/2 students got to show off their amazing athleticism and superb skills by participating in the Junior Sports Day! Despite the topsy-turvy weather, we had a fantastic time racing, throwing, jumping, and more!
There were heaps of exciting activities, including ball toss, long jump, and hurdles. We gave it our absolute best and celebrated an extremely successful day for ourselves and our friends.
Enjoy these fantastic photos of all the energy and excitement from the day. We also want to thank Ms Bos for setting up the whole day, as well as all the Grade Five and Six students that helped.
Lastly, we want to thank all the parents and that came along to either help out or cheer us on. Thank you!!!
An amazing display
Feel free after school to come into 1/2F and check out the amazing Grasslands display, made by our very own Mrs O! She has put an amazing amount of effort into turning our back wall into a real safari adventure. Amazing work, Mrs O!