5/6 News…

Swimming Program
The year 5/6 students have enjoyed a revamped swimming program this year. They attended an intensive program over two days with the focus on stroke development, water safety and fun! To change things up even more, we had the boys and girls go in different groups.
5/6H Subway Meal Deal Winners!
Well done to the students of 5/6H who had the most orders at our recent Subway meal deal day. For their efforts they all received a Zooper Dooper which was a real treat!
Our camp to Marysville has been fantastic. The students enjoyed many activities including bush walking, high ropes, bouldering, low ropes, team building games, pizza making, bush skills and canoeing! They ate yummy food, made new connections and had lots of fun. We had a visit from Mrs Vesdrevanis & Mrs Rassias which was a real treat! They joined in some of the activities and helped to serve us lunch.
Huge thanks to our amazing parent volunteers. Without your willingness to give up your time to help out, we wouldn’t have been able to take this large group of students on camp and give them the experiences they had. We thank you and are so appreciative of your help.