
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French


The 3/4s have been very busy this term.  3/4L have enjoyed learning about coding and using our new Sphero Bolt robots.  3/4C have been cooking and sharing delicious food in our Weeden Heights kitchen.



Students in grade 2 worked on creating stable towers, like the one in Jack and the Beanstalk, out of newspaper and tape.



  • While the students in Prep/1 are doing revision work (numbers, colours, food), in Grade 2 we are continuing to learn about objects found in a house:
  • Grades 4/5

The students are learning a French Christmas song for the end of year concert. I won't tell you what song it is. Let's keep it a secret.

  • Grades 5/6

Last week, the students played a Tintin card game to practice their French pronunciation.

Each team had to ask for cards to make full families (each family was made of six cards and there were 7 families in total). This popular French game is called 'Le jeu des sept familles' (The game of seven families). It was fun but the wind made it even more tricky for the teams who we played outside!