Troy's learning news

Composite Classes
We have had many inquiries from families asking how we choose who goes in which class when we have multiple year levels.
For some families they haven't been exposed to this at Uraidla Primary School as for the last two years we have had straight year levels in the early years.
The class placement process has many different factors that we take into consideration. Many people assume that our choice is based on academic achievement which is only one factor we take into consideration. The staff look at the entire child when deciding which class would be in their best interests. This includes friendships, staff relationships, number of years with teachers, social and emotional development as well as academic achievement. Students who are in composite classes are provided with the same opportunity for intellectual stretch through differentiated classroom instruction, whether they are the lower or higher year level in that class.
Some families also make requests for their child. Although we try to accommodate these requests, we are unable to guarantee these can happen as we have many factors to also consider. This process takes a long period of time with many considerations that we need to make to best support each child.
Planning for 2025
We are still busily planning for 2025, and are now in a position to be able to tell you the class teachers for next year. You may wish to share this with your child, if you think knowing who their possible teachers are may be helpful for them. Students will find out their class and teacher on Wednesday of Week 9.
Reception - Katie Martin
Reception/1 - Jaya Thomas
Year 1/2 - Kelly Charlton
Year 2/3 - Samantha Irvine
Year 3/4 - Stephen Tsiaprakas
Year 4/5 - Alex Berry
Year 5/6 - Sallie Griffin
If you have any further questions on the process please contact Margie or myself.