Religious Education

Year 3 Family Mass
A reminder that the Year 3 Family Mass will be held this Saturday, November 16th @ 5:30 pm. This is an important occasion where our community comes together to celebrate faith. If you cannot make this Mass, please let the class teachers know via email to ensure your child isn't given a reading or special role.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday 17th November
Gospel Reading
Mark 13:24-32
Jesus teaches about the signs of the coming of the Son of Man.
Family Connection
Many things in our lives and in our world are subject to change. Yet all of us find security in relationships and values that endure. Foremost among these are our family relationships. We can confidently accept change if we know that we will continue to be loved by our family and by God. We help impart this sense of trust and confidence in our children with our daily assurances to them that nothing can change our love for them.
As you gather as a family, look through several family photo albums.
Observe and talk about things that have changed in your family life over the years. Talk also about the things that have stayed the same. We do not need to fear changes in our family life because we know that the most important aspects of our family life do not change, such as our love for one another. The same is true with God and God’s love for us.
Read today’s Gospel, Mark 13:24-32. Jesus teaches us that things in our world will change and that the world itself will one day end. We don’t need to be fearful because God’s love for us will never end. Conclude in prayer together thanking God his never-ending love for us.
Pray together the Glory Be to the Father.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader