Library News

Ho ho ho, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the library! Our Christmas decorations are out, and we’ve started to read some wonderful festive stories. I love this time of year and hearing students' excitement about all things Christmas.
2024 Christmas Reads
I purchase a collection of new Christmas stories for the library each year. This year, though, there was one book above all others that classes from Kindergarten to Year 5 wanted to read - Bluey’s Night Before Christmas. While I had initially planned to read this to K-2, whenever a Primary class came in and saw it, they begged me to read it, too. Bluey really is that popular!
Other fun stories we’ve read over the last two weeks included On the Hunt for Santa by Lesley Gibbes, When Santa Got Stuck Up a Gumtree by Jackie Hosking, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drie the Sleigh by Mo Willems, Christmas at Grandma's Beach House by Claire Saxby, and Christmas is… by Philip Bunting.
Students enjoyed these stories and then completed several activities, including drawing a map to find Santa and Christmas library skills colouring. I’m also reading ‘At Christmas You Get What You Get and Don’t Get Upset’ by Heath McKenzie this week. This has led to great conversations about being thankful for presents, even if they’re not exactly what we had hoped for. For our activity, students drew things they’d love to receive and a few they’d rather not, with coal, snakes, worms, and slime topping the "no thanks" list!
SORA Recommended Reads
Sora, the school’s digital library, has also got into the festive spirit. They have gathered a fun collection of Christmas stories for students of all ages! You can follow these instructions to read these and other stories on SORA. Your child must know their school email and password (available from their teacher).
Year 6 Book Launch
Our budding authors and illustrators in Year 6 have wowed us all! After a year of hard work crafting and illustrating their unique stories, these talented students proudly launched their books in front of an enthusiastic crowd of family and friends. The event was a fantastic celebration of creativity, collaboration, and storytelling. Congratulations to our Year 6 students and their teachers for their incredible efforts.
Please return all library books.
As the end of term is fast approaching, students must return their library books ahead of our annual stocktake. If you can’t find books at home, please contact me at I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist your child in looking for these. Thank you.
Meet the Readers
Sometimes, it’s hard to pin down Secondary students for a photo, but this week, I got two! First, Kaylee, one of our library regulars, came up with a great book display theme. Then, Kier jumped at the opportunity to be the first borrower of a new Michael Jordan book.
Quick Bit - 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge
Certificates will be awarded next week. Stay tuned for some photos.
Happy reading!
Mrs Toni Fraser