Teaching and Learning

News from Miss Duffy in Prep-2
In addition to our seven new preps joining us each week, we have been hard at work learning all about the oceans of the world and all of the weird and wonderful creatures that live within them. Last week we began studying pirates (both fictional and real). The students enjoyed making their own pirate hats, swords and eyepatches to showcase their learning. Have you ever seen such scary pirates?
With the end of year assessments out of the way we have begun to turn our focus to Christmas. A lot of our learning and activities in Literacy, Numeracy and Integrated Studies will have a Christmas theme. The students have been keeping an Elf on the Shelf Diary each day as we have been joined by a tricky elf called ELLLAS (the first letters of our names), and ELLLAS has been getting up to some crazy mischief each evening whilst we are at home.
News from Mr Collins in Year 3-6
In writing this week we have been learning about personification. The kids were tasked with bringing a marine animal to life and giving it human qualities whilst still writing facts about its animal form. A reference to an animal not wanting to snap it's claw (break a nail) was a highlight.
As if doing the beep test wasn't challenging enough, the Year 3-6 students then had to collect, collate and average all of the data. A lot of time was spent learning the four key terms: Mean, Median, Average and Range.
As a form of assessment we created a chart where we had to perform a range of tasks related to different fractions. We also spent time discussing what decimals and percentages are, and how they relate to fractions.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
In our MARC session this week we celebrated Universal Children’s Day by reading some Christmas books, making Christmas baubles (these are hopefully hanging on trees!) and creating our own fun moving creature. There is only one MARC session left for the year, so make sure all those books are returned! 😊