Term 4 Cyber Safety and Digital Learning

Inform and Empower: Term 4 Cyber Safety
Each term, students across Years 1- 6 participate in live webinars with the educators from Inform and Empower. Teachers use the research backed resources to frontload students and engage them in ongoing learning post the webinar. Prep students engage with pre-recorded resources from Inform and Empower called 'Ollie Online', a program designed for Foundation, Prep, and Kinder students.
Please see below for the Term 4 parent tip sheets and student learning foci:
- Prep: Caring for our devices, sharing devices, trusted adults, balancing screentime
- Year 1/2: Help seeking strategies, navigating uncomfortable interactions, early warning signs
- Year 3/4: Settings, navigating unsafe interactions, red flags
- Year 5/6: Navigating unsafe interactions, red flags, online influencers, AI