Merri-bek interschool Innovators Program - 

Sustainable Energy

Over the course of this year, Year 9 students Noah Kidd, John Nunez, Arisha Prasad, and Nada Sultana have been participating in the Merri-bek Interschool Innovators Program, where students from John Fawkner College, Coburg High School, Glenroy College, and Pascoe Vale Girls College come together to design innovative solutions to real-world problems. Students focused on sustainable energy, developing practical and creative ideas and inventions. In the final session on November 15, they presented their ideas at Melbourne University to key stakeholders, including university professors, local MPs and industry professionals. Our Year 9s engaged their audience and demonstrated their ingenuity and innovation—definitely a group of trailblazers!


Ms Blair Duncan, Learning Specialist, English and HUMS teacher