Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship

Yomin Rajapakshe, year 10, has won a Kwong Lee Dow scholarship for 2025. Yomin was selected from a pool of over 2000 applicants, so he deserves to feel very proud of this wonderful achievement.
As a Kwong Lee Dow scholar, he will be ale to immerse himself over the next two years in university life alongside other high achieving and aspirational high school students from around Melbourne and Victoria.
Yomin has just finished year 10, including already starting some VCE subjects. He has represented JFC many times: meeting the minister, going to events at SCOE, and always being a terrific role model for others.
Yomin - we are immensely proud of you and we are very much looking forward to following your progress over the next two years as a Kwong Lee Dow scholar representing John Fawkner College.
Dr Lisa Vinnicombe
Executive Principal