3/4 Learning Community
We're following the Gleams!
3/4 Learning Community
We're following the Gleams!
Reading - In reading, the 3/4s have been looking for clues in their books to find the author's big idea. A big idea could be the lesson the character has learnt, or a message the author wants to teach to the reader. The 3/4s have been enjoying these reading lessons and looking for clues in the text to infer the author's big idea.
From Noah S.
Writing - In writing, the 3/4s have been learning about explanation texts. We have been writing about the arcade games we made in Inquiry. The texts explain how to play the games and how they work. We used the hamburger model to help us set out our writing and we are currently publishing our work. We have learnt that explanation texts need timed phrases and cause and effect.
From Fletcher
I enjoy it– Yiannis
I like what we do in it– Ethan G
It feels good to know that stuff– Beau
In maths, the 3/4s have been learning about money. We created budgets for a Halloween Party using catalogues to find prices. We also created financial plans for a holiday as well as finding change from $1, $2, $5, $10 and $20. This week we have just started mapping. We learnt about grids and symbols for a birds eye view map.
From Siarra
Q: Did you enjoy money in maths?
Adam: I enjoyed counting the money to add up and get to our answer.
Widyan: I enjoyed the financial plan for a holiday.
In Inquiry, the 3/4s had already built their arcade machines in groups and played them. We also played other peoples games and gave feedback on their games. Using the feedback we received we innovated the games to make them better. This process taught us to work together and be creative. We are looking forward to sharing our innovated games with the school.
James S.
I liked how we worked together to create our arcade game and had fun. Thomas 3/4C
I liked building arcade games. Mia 3/4E
It was fun building the arcade games. Billy 3/4A