Junior School Report

Heather McClure

Welcome to Term 2. I hope that students and families had a wonderful long Easter weekend and enjoyed the holiday break.


Last week we welcomed the Junior school students back with an assembly. The assembly had two focuses, celebrating the successes of term 1 and commemorating ANZAC day.

The assembly was hosted by our some of our junior school leaders who demonstrate determination and resilience by standing up in front of a crowd of their peers to speak. Well done!


As part of the celebration we awarded our students of the term for term 1. These students were recognized by their teachers as members of our community that consistently demonstrate the values of the school. Respect, determination & excellence.


                                  Year 7:  Princess Planter

Princess has demonstrated outstanding commitment to our school values of respect, determination, and excellence. She consistently embodies these values in her daily actions, setting a remarkable example for her peers. Her dedication to upholding these principles, even when unseen, reflects her deep understanding of the importance of integrity and character. Well done Princess of a successful term one.



Year 8: Ava Ash

For consistently displaying our school values by actively participating in learning activities, being willing to seek, accept, and apply feedback to improve her knowledge and understanding, and being inclusive, and respectful in her interactions with all members of our community.




                                 Year 9: Phoenix Dart

Phoenix displays our school values of respect, excellence, and determination in all of his classes. This term Phoenix has been working hard in his PE, Food Tech and English classes. He has shown great determination by giving all activities a red-hot go and has strived to do his best. 

Phoenix also had a major impact during the Man-Cave wellbeing day, supporting peers and contribution to discussions in a positive way. Well done on a fantastic term Phoenix! 


8 E is our term 1 lunch winner, they achieved the most merits as class. They will receive a lunch as a class in the coming weeks.


Uniform reminder: Students are expected to be in full school uniform each day. Hooded jumpers are NOT uniform and should not be worn to school. Students are able to layer up by wearing plain long sleeve white t-shirts. Extra layers should not be visible outside of their uniform. Should you require support purchasing uniform please reach out to the relevant year level leader.


We are looking forward to seeing what term 2 has ahead for us.

Heather McClure

Head of Junior school