Senior School Report

Claire Blower

“Welcome back to Term 2, we hope all of our senior students have had a restful and fun break and that we are ready to start getting back into our classes and all of the exciting opportunities that Term 2 holds for the senior school! 


The first weeks of term have already been busy. We have had our whole school Athletics Carnival which was a great day out with lots of senior students acting as role models and participating in all events. A special mention to Charlie Parr (Year 12) for drawing a crowd during his high jump efforts, jumping 2m is extraordinary! We have also had excursions for Chemistry and Biology and on the careers and pathways side of things we have had VETFEST and Try a Trade day - all exciting opportunities to learn and have fun. 


The rest of Term 2 is jam-packed with interschool sports, the Live4Life program roll out for our year 10s, lots of training days for our VCE-VM students, Year 10 Melbourne City Camp, nutrition week, our mid year exams and last but not least, the most coveted night of the senior school calendar, the Senior Social! 


We look forward to having a busy and exciting term 2 together in the senior school and commend our students on their continued efforts to strive for their personal best and be a part of all the events, excursions and learning opportunities that are offered to them with positivity and curiosity!


Keep it up everyone!

Claire Blower & The Senior School Team”