Wellbeing and Engagement 

Shannon Ross

Engagement & Wellbeing


Blue Edge Begins!       

We are excited to welcome the facilitators of Blue Edge back to Woodmans Hill for another year. Blue Edge is a fantastic program for students in Years 7-9. 

The Blue EDGE (Educate, Develop, Grow, Empower) Program is a holistic program run by Blue Light in partnership with Victoria Police and Woodmans Hill Secondary College which combines physical training, mentoring and life skills education. Delivered twice weekly during school hours, Blue EDGE includes: 45 minutes of physical training and team building sessions, a shared meal and a workshop/discussion about relevant and current issues facing young people. Teachers, students, Police Members and Blue EDGE staff all work together to achieve in a space where we are all equals.


We are excited to see the growth and development of the students involved. 



School-Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)

Our new SWPB Jocelyn Gepp is looking for student volunteers for our SWPB team for 2024. All students are encouraged to apply and contribute to this exciting initiative. The focus for this year is on improving our merit system and utilizing IROAR more across the school. See Ms Gepp if this is something that may interest you. 



Live4Life Crew 

We are proud to announce that we have selected our four Live4Life Crew members who will work across the Woodmans and Ballarat community to advocate for mental health support and education. Our selected young people are caring, empathetic and are trusted by their peers and community as young people who always look out for others. 


Our Crew team are: 

  • Jesse Hamilton, Tomas O’Brien & Serika Lambert



House Totals


We have had a variety of students competing in events inside and outside of our school which have contributed points to their house tally. Updated scores are below!


Well done Lok-Lok! 




