Prep A - Theo M - For mastering writing his name correctly on the lines. Keep producing amazing work superstar!

Prep B - Summer L - for being a kind, considerate and hard working student at all times. I love how you strive to be your best in all areas of learning. Keep it up Summer, you’re already a great role model!

Prep C - Billie M - Trying your best in all of your learning. It has wonderful to see you trying your best, giving everything a go and achieving towards your learning goals. Well done superstar!

12A - Brax R - For always being such a happy and friendly member of 1/2A we are lucky to have you. Keep up the amazing work! 

12B - Charlie W - For being an independent worker in the classroom. Keep it up! 

12C - Willlow S - For being an all round Eastie legend. Keep up the amazing work Willow!!  

34A - Reggie H- For being an amazing example of what it is to be an Eastie. Your care, compassion and patience towards others is a credit to you. Keep being awesome Reg!

34B - Kulin H- For working so hard in our maths sessions on fractions and decimals. I love your passion for maths. Keep working hard! 

34C - Beth S - For working hard to follow the Eastie PAL values and being an awesome member of 3/4C!

56A - Charley S - For always demonstrating the PAL values and consistently finishing all her school work to a high standard. Well done Charley!

56B - Kyan C- Being confident and happy in trying new things in and beyond the classroom. I admire the way you ask questions when you are unsure. You’re amazing Kyan!

56C - Jude B- We are so lucky to have Jude in 56C. He is insightful, interesting, kind and fun. What a wonderful person to have in our class.

56D - Zarliah B - For your valuable contributions during whole class discussions. You always share your ideas and perspective using amazing vocabulary. Well done!






Prep C - River G – For his excellent work during our Maths lessons. I love how you try your best, explain your thinking and challenge yourself with bigger numbers. Well done River!

12C - Judith T - For demonstrating outstanding knowledge around money. You are a maths wizz!

34C - Toby D - For always working hard during maths lessons and showing his understanding of converting fractions into decimals.

56C - Kalyaan D - For his work ethic and knowledge during our maths lessons. Kaly is a quiet achiever who applies himself in all areas of maths. Well done Kaly! You’re so clever!





Prep C - Hudson C - Your wonderful work sounding out sounds in words to use in your writing. I love how you are trying hard to write sentences. Keep up the super job!

12C - Zarielle M - For your incredible work on your book of the year draft! Great job!

34C - Koolyn J - For being positive and persistent with revising his book of the year this week, keep up the positive attitude Kool!

56C- Tasman L - For his incredible interest and engagement in the Centauri book series. And for encouraging others to read them too! Thanks Tas!