Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart


A great day for our school this week in achieving SWPBS Gold Award. 

Mrs Kerry Hammond our SWPBS coach and Mr Rick Simms DET Manager Health, Wellbeing & Specialist Services came to our Whole School Assembly to present the college with the award.  We are the only school of 100 schools in the North West Zone to have our SWPBS Gold and the only P-12 College in the state to have achieved such a milestone.  Thanks to all staff throughout the six year journey in helping us to achieve such a milestone. It is great recognition for our school and staff to achieve such an award. Well done everyone!!!




We are still getting a number of students arriving at school before 8.30am. Please do not send your child to school before this time. If you need to send them before 8.30am then reach out to OSCH and place them in Before School Care.



A great job to all students who dressed up in house colours and participated for their house in Cross Country.  Well done to all Ansett competitors who were victorious and now have claimed both the Swimming Sports and Cross Country Carnival – Go Ansett.  Congratulations to all individual age group champions and a big thank you to Ms Milne and Mr Pettifer for organising it all.



It wouldn’t be a newsletter article without me not mentioning school uniform. It is a positive for our school but I need to mention a couple of reminders.

  1. Socks must be dark
  2. When wearing additional under garmets which can be seen – please ensure they are navy blue.