From the Principal

Rudy Vail

Dear OLHC Community,


Anzac Day Dawn Service

Our school's participation in the Eltham RSL dawn service offered a poignant occasion for our students to pay tribute to the memory of those who have served, and to express their appreciation for the peace and prosperity they enjoy today.


The presence of numerous OLHC families at the service was heartening. I extend my gratitude to our school leaders Claire, Blake, Max, and Harry for their exemplary representation of our school community.



PFOL Support

I am reaching out to all Year levels to request your valuable support in assisting the Parents and Friends of Our Ladies (PFOL) with our social and fundraising activities. Our PFOL team consists of a small, dedicated group of members who work tirelessly to enhance our school community, and your involvement is crucial in making our events successful.


This year I am asking families to assist the PFOL with organising and helping run these activities. Below is a list of upcoming events along with the Year levels assigned to assist:


Prep/ Grade 1Trivia Night1st June
Grade 5/6Movie Night22nd June
Grade 4/5School Disco27th July
Grade 2/3 & 3/4Obstacle Course15th November

Communication from the PFOL to each level will be sent out a couple of weeks in advance, detailing the specific requirements for the activity assigned to your level. This will ensure that everyone is well-prepared and knows exactly how they can contribute to the success of the event.


Your participation and enthusiasm will not only contribute to the success of these events but also foster a stronger sense of community within OLHC. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making OLHC a vibrant and inclusive place for all.


Warm regards,


Rudy Vail












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Please refer to our School google calendar for events throughout the year.  



OSHClub contact - 0432 212 815